
Showing posts from July, 2013


Being jealous is like having acne. It is tough to stop it, but you sure can cover it!!! *sigh * smirk* Picture source : Internet

Reading and writing are like adopting twins, you cannot just bring one of them home!

Picture source : Internet 

Fear is the first sign of an insight!

Picture source : Internet


Run when your legs are stronger, but always walk when your mind must be stronger than your legs! Picture source : Internet 

The gift

I believe everyday is a gift from God, and if you have made the most of your day,then it is your gift back to him! Picture source : Internet

Never be ashamed to cry, every tear is a prayer in the making!

Picture source : Internet


Not everybody is lucky to have the one they love, but I am the luckiest. My world revolves around her. The most beautiful woman in the world, 'GIGGLES'. I dance with her every single day to the same folk lore of Gabbie. Gabbie the puppet master, who gave life to the puppet couples, GIGGLES & BUBBLES. The twenty minutes of the evening puppet show was my favorite part of the day, that's when I can hold my angel close to my heart and sing Gabbies's song. "Hush my love, I love you. Now hush my love , I won't leave you." That final kiss on her petite lips and the curtain cascades. It is the same story everyday, I love Gabbie for scripting my story so perfectly perfect. Gabriel, one of the strongest person I have ever seen is a forsaken man, who left his home at the age of 14, trying to fathom life and the hostile world. Gabbie the puppet maker was never the crowd's pet, foul mouthed people even spread rumors that G...