22nd MAY 8.00 am Truly unforgettable, the time when my 12th grade board exams results were out, I couldnt sleep at all the other day, I was praying atleast I cross the 80% deadline, else I'll be grounded for the rest of my life..! And the worst part was that I even dreamt of scoring a 77%, a pretty good score, that's a distinction, but that can never satisfy my parents who'd seen their proud daughter scoring a 90% in her 10th board examinations. I thought ,do dreams really come true?? With trembling hands I typed in my roll number, a zillion thoughts ran through my mind then, what if I flunk?, what if mom and dad stop talking to me? what if I go insane seeing my own marks? Still somehow I got the courage to hit the 'Enter' key. And there it was beautifully displayed to turn my beautiful life to a not so beautiful drama later..., English 89 Mathematics 60 Physics 87 Chemistry 79 Computer Science 75 Yep my total % was just 78, and then began the day which ...