Dear Damini, I am just a girl like you, born to a world unknown for months, and our world before had cased us safe. But we never belonged there, we were never needed there, the day we were born the case whispered , " A...B....C...D" We never knew what the case meant then, we grew up..sang A..B..C..D. cheekily in our kindergarten days. But only today the letters spoke to me "AFTER BIRTH COMES DEATH!!" Yes I am just a girl like you, born with a dream to touch the sky, always counting on the beautiful days ahead, but you are now in a better place than me Damini, you are no longer in this f***ing world. You must now be in a place devoid of crime and violence, a world untouched by greed , a world filled with only love. You will always live and justice will be yours Damini, generations will remember you as the brave girl who awakened the people, those brutal monster...